anechoic roomの例文


  1. :Two perfectly tuned electronic music synthesizers-playing the same, simple waveform through really high quality amplifiers and speakers in a large anechoic room WOULD interfere . . . but we are never in that situation with a real source of live music.
  2. Linguist / phonetician Robert Eklund, speech therapist Anita McAllister and kulning singer / speech therapist Fanny Pehrson studied the difference between kulning voice production and head-voice ( sometimes also somewhat erroneously referred to as falsetto voice ) production in both indoors ( normal and anechoic rooms ) and in an ecologically valid outdoor setting near Dalarna, Sweden.


  1. "anechoic"の例文
  2. "anechoic chamber"の例文
  3. "anechoic chambers"の例文
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  5. "anechoic enclosures"の例文
  6. "anechoic tile"の例文
  7. "anechoic tiles"の例文
  8. "anechoics"の例文
  9. "anecic"の例文
  10. "anecortave"の例文
  11. "anechoic enclosure"の例文
  12. "anechoic enclosures"の例文
  13. "anechoic tile"の例文
  14. "anechoic tiles"の例文

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